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Monday, April 25, 2011

Presidential Commissions

As a previous post noted, presidential commissions can contribute to deliberation. Hayley Peterson writes at The Washington Examiner:
As a candidate for president, Barack Obama called study commissions created by politicians "Washington-speak for we'll get back to you later."

He mocked his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, for suggesting a commission study the Wall Street meltdown, saying, "We don't need a commission to tell us how we got into this mess, we need a president who will lead us out of this mess, and that's the kind of president I intend to be."

But President Obama has already created about two dozen study commissions, blue-ribbon panels and task forces of his own -- roughly one a month since he took office -- to study not only major economic issues but childhood obesity, Hispanics and the middle class.

Here is a partial list (not counting interagency committees):