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Monday, December 12, 2011

Gingrich and Religion

There has been some press commentary about Newt Gingrich's faith journey from the Lutheran Church of his youth, to the Baptist Church of his adulthood, to the Roman Catholic Church of his recent years.

At least during the 1992 election campaign, he took a very pragmatic view of religious denominations.

Mary Matalin, a top official in the reelection campaign of President George H.W. Bush, recalled in her book All's Fair:
Here's a typical crisis: One day, without total approval from the campaign, the Georgia state chairman scheduled President Bush, an Episcopalian, to attend the local Episcopalian church. It was a logical enough decision, if you're not in politics. It leaked to the press. Congressman Newt Gingrich went crazy. "We've got to go to a Baptist church!" he screamed at me. "Twenty-four point four percent of the vote is Baptist!" I switched the church.