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Friday, June 2, 2023

Political Diversity at Yale

Elite academia leans heavily to the left.

  The Buckley Institute has a report on political diversity at Yale:

The research found that among 4 relevant departments and the law school, 83% of faculty are registered as Democrats or have conducted political activity that heavily or exclusively supports Democrats; only 3.5% are Republican. According to a recent Gallup survey of Americans conducted in March 2023, only 25% of Americans identify as Democrats versus an equivalent 25% who identify as Republicans. Independents too are cheated. They comprise 49% of Americans but only 13% of Yale faculty researched.

With a ratio of nearly 24 Democrats to every 1 Republican, the Yale faculty’s political makeup diverges dramatically from that of the rest of the country. America’s future leaders are sadly leaving New Haven poorly equipped to lead the half of the country not represented in Yale’s faculty lounge.

Yale's free speech principles, as embodied in the Woodward Report, call for "the right to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable." Some semblance of ideological balance among the faculty, administrators, and students alike would help further this ideal.