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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Another Mudsplat Ad

Ecclesiastes 1:9 remains a pretty good guide to campaign ads: "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun"

The Romney campaign says that the Obama campaign is slinging mud:


As noted a few weeks ago a Santorum ad accused Romney of slinging mud:

"Mudsplat ads" have long been a staple of American campaigns. In 1974, Bob Dole ran such an spot in his tough Senate reelection race. In 1996, The New York Times recalled:
Known as the "mudslinger ad," it starts with a close-up of a Dole campaign poster. "Bill Roy says that Senator Bob Dole is against the farmer," the narrator intones, as a gob of mud splatters the poster. "Against cutting the Federal budget." More mud. "Against the school lunch program." Another gob. But none of these accusations are accurate, the narrator continues, as the mud flies off the poster. "All of which," he concludes, "makes Bob Dole look pretty good, and Bill Roy look like just another mudslinger."
Video of the 1974 ad is available here.

In 1992, Russ Feingold did his own version of a mudsplat ad (click here and scroll down to "Stoop Gaining" or click here)