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Monday, May 14, 2012

Dual Citizenship

At The New York Times, "Room for Debate" has a symposium on dual citizenship.

Temple University Professor Peter Spiro:
Dual citizenship poses few concrete problems as the world moves away from zero-sum competition among states. Acceptance of the status allows the many individuals with multiple national attachments to actuate those identities. In this respect, dual citizenship represents a kind of freedom of association, a form of voluntary affiliation to be protected, not condemned.
Mark Krikorian of the  Center for Immigration Studies:
 Just as membership in a marriage entails an exclusive relationship, so does membership in a national community. Despite the multiple connections and loyalties we all have, a person can have only one ultimate political allegiance, be the member of one "We the people." Anything else is, in Theodore Roosevelt's words, a "self-evident absurdity."
University of Miami Professor David Abraham:
The increased mobility of people, goods and money has been creating a larger and larger population of dual citizens in the United States, Europe, Asia, Latin America and around the world. With some countries allocating citizenship on the basis of birthplace and others on the basis of descent, dual citizenship is inevitable. 
University of Toronto Professor Ayelet Shachar:
 The strategic value of dual nationality is immense. It allows emigrants to establish and maintain connections between their old and new home countries — connections that can generate significant knowledge transfers, remittances, and future investments. It may also mitigate the “brain drain” associated with the unidirectional movement of migrants, especially the highly skilled, from poorer to richer countries.
Brown University Professor José Itzigsohn:
 The United States does not officially recognize dual citizenship, but it does not take action against it either. I believe this to be a correct policy. Evidence suggests that dual citizenship does not delay the identification of immigrants with the receiving country. Migration does not imply an abrupt break with the country of origin and an immediate identification with the new country. This process takes time as migrants naturally keep an emotional attachment to the place in which they were born. This has always been the case, now and in the past, here and in other countries.