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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Political Participation 2018

From the Kaiser Family Foundation:
This partnership survey from The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation examines the public’s involvement in protests, rallies, marches, demonstrations, or campaign events with a focus on causes or issues that motivate the rallygoers to take action. The survey, one of the most extensive studies of political rallygoers and protesters in more than a decade, examines views of present-day activism, the public’s confidence and trust in societal and political institutions, and takes a prospective look at preference for and involvement in the 2018 midterm elections. This survey also assesses the public’s views on the limits of first amendment rights, as well as their views looking back on the political and social movements 50 years ago 
At the WP,   Mary Jordan and Scott Clement report that 20 percent of respondents said that they had attended a political rally in the past two years.


Disapprove of Trump.........70%............54%
Identify as Democrat..........40%............27%
Postgraduation education...23%............11%